Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Magnetizing Baal Predator: Side Sponsons

Last time I showed you how to magnetize the Turret for the Baal Predator, this time I'm going to show you some tricks in magnetizing the side sponson weapons.

There is a reason as to why some people say that magnetizing the side sponson weapons is tricky, it is because there is only one pair for the side cover for the weapons, the solution? Styrene sheets or most commonly known as Pla-Plates.

To begin, we need to trim down the connector part in the side sponsons weapon holder and drill a hole to the size of the magnet that you are using.

Trim the parts of the flamer tanks and heavy bolters ammo cache where the connector goes in, this will allow smooth passage way for the parts.

The next would be placing the magnets and ensuring the correct polarization of the magnets in the hole you just drilled in the bar and the holes found in the heavy bolter and heavy flamer.

As you can see, I used a small piece of styrene sheet to cover the heavy bolter so that I could use the actual side cover for the heavy flamers.

Until the next time, see you!

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