Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Astray Frames Double Build Start

It's a double builda time!
To wash away the mould release agent, all sprues were subjected to a detergent wash.

Blue Frame Sprues

A1 and A2 Sprues
Most of the Parts here are for the blue inner frame and the tactical sword
B Sprue
Contains both the stand, part of the tactical sword and the astray's unique V fin
C1 and C2 Sprues
Contains other parts of the tactical sword, lower torso and knives
D1 and D2 Sprues
Contains parts for the legs, arms, hips and other parts of the tactical sword
E Sprue
Has Parts for the shoulder and upper leg
PVC joints

Red Frame Sprues

A1 Sprue
Contains most of the parts for the inner body Frame much like the Blue Frame Above
A2 Sprue
Same as above
D2 Sprue
Contains parts for the shield, the sheath for the katana and parts for arms, legs and hips
Mostly contains parts for the legs
F Sprue
Contains parts for the shield, riffle and feet
G Sprue
Contains most of the parts for the flight unit, shield, feet and the V fin
H Sprue
Contains most parts for the Bucue head, Flight unit and the infamous Gerbera Straight.
Unfortunately unlike the early release of the Red Frame the katana is not chrome coated
SB Sprues
Saber effects for the Bucue head and red frames saber.
PVC Joints

Wow... that was a lot... This is going to be a long build... Until the next time, see you!

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